Okay, like most of us, best intentions don't translate to accomplishment! I am the worst at this.
This is my most important project afterall, trying to complete my first novel. I am in the final stages of having it publication ready. I will be publishing a post on the agonizing steps of completion, but for today, I'll keep it to where I am now.
I won't be teaching for several months, more time to wrap this two and half year project up. Teaching last semester became more distracting than planned as I ended up teaching an additional class early in the semester. This created much more of a time drain than anticipated.
I chipped away at working with an editor and created more visuals for background/publicity materials. So I still worked on the novel, but a lot of background stuff.
I must admit, my new life in Portugal is the major distraction! Bike rides on the ocean and river fronts, evenings with friends, what a life. Makes me think I'm insane to lock myself in a room with a computer and write, but that is the life of a creative person.
The conquest of completing my first draft was enormous, I proved to myself I'm capable of writing a novel! I had a couple of friends read it, my 55K word accomplishment turned out to be an elaborate outline. Since then, it has been fleshed out to about 80K words, and I am much happier with it. This did create some whining and procrastination on my part. Again the curse of creativity.
I am now in the process of trying to create pre release interest, hence this new entry into my blog.
I will hereby attempt once a week posts!