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Embrace Hypocrisy

So I am entering into the conclusion of my Fantasy Epic duology. There may be more violence. I am not a violent man. In fact in many instances in my life I have stood against bullying in various forms. One of my favorite authors, Isaac Asimov penned the line: "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." Words I have tried to uphold since I read them almost fifty years ago.

Where does that leave me as an author? I read of the detailed horrors of history and the modern world of Ukraine and Israel. I read of the literary violence of my chosen genre, fantasy. As a young man I would glibly quip that we must learn to recognize and embrace hypocrisy as adults. The 'sensitive' artist must learn to cope with personal threats as well as intellectual threats. How am I to do that? I grew up rough and tumble in school and at home. I was in more than my fair share of fights. Mostly, I tried to avoid them but not successfully all the time. Stand when you must, talk when you can and fight when forced.

In the world of my creation, I am finding that some truly consciousless characters exist. They are creating violence and chaos. A war has started. How am I to resolve this? As an artist, I know what a trope is, usually something to avoid or play off of. Do orcs, evil mages, and the horde need to die? Can they be redirected or redeemed? Maybe, maybe not, probably needs a case-by-case assessment. Exactly what is the nature of your transgression Mr. evil mage?

I hope to entertain the reader. I hope to elevate the genre. I hope to stay true to the ideal that violence may be necessary but is not the best solution.

Illustration by the author, 'Waif captures Jasmine'.

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Oct 16, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great and honest share.

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